Sunday, August 3, 2008


We just returned from our second, naked, gay getaway with 80 beautiful guys to a member's country home. Once again it was terrific. I wrote about the last time here, which occurred just 3 weeks ago.

Once again the trip proved to be peaceful and relaxing beyond explanation. Perhaps because this partly reminds me of summer camp as a kid and allows me to relive such close and intimate bonding that usually only occurs between kids and (presumably) war veterans.

Almost a year ago, I stopped wearing a watch. I first took off the watch when I went to Barcelona. At the time it was purely symbolic, but interestingly enough has had a real impact upon my life. Just by moving my watch 1 foot onto the cell phone in my pocket has allowed me to become less time-consumed. I now longer need to know the exact time every second. Since being nude removes the knowledge even further (sorry, no pockets when you're nude), and because on such an excursion one has no other agenda than to enjoy one another's company, I felt even further relaxed and at peace with everyone and everything around me. Honestly I believe could get lost in the environment for weeks without even realizing it.

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