Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have yet to write anything about the last episode of BSG, which I watched a week late since I was on vacation when it aired.

First... can you believe that Cmdr Adama left the fleet in the hands of a homosexual. Woohoo to BSG! Oh yeah... it's just a TV show... and not even since Hoshi was only gay in a webisode. Still it seemed kinda special anyway.

Second, I didn't foresee the end, which is kinda refreshing. But that said, I should have been able to guess it. I mean, the colonies returning to present day Earth would've been interesting if it hadn't already been done before. Returning to a future earth would've been stupid because the viewers wouldn't be able to relate. And provided that they weren't go to kill everyone off, there really was only left one possible outcome left. Somehow I missed it though.

Anyway, I enjoyed the series even more than I had enjoyed the original when I was a kid. The only regret is that it's over. Fortunately, we still have the cylon-view movie coming up and of course, there's Caprica.

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