Sunday, August 29, 2010

GNI Gathering

I just got back from this year's GNI Gathering and somehow it seems to get even better each year. This I returned for the full-week option as I did my first year. I have to say that I am majorly tired, but would trade a single minute. It was great seeing guys that I met from previous years as well as meeting new friends. Some people memories:
  • First I have to mention the guys in my cabin as well as our sister cabin. We all know each other fairly well and most are pretty good friends whom had travelled together previously. As usual, they are just an awesome group of guys to be around and to have in my life.
  • I saw T from Boston for the third year in a row. The BF and I also visited him an his partner in Boston and Vermont in June this year and at the time he was considering not returning. I posted about it before here and here. I'm glad he did decided to return and would like to believe that my encouragement had a little to do with it. We spent several nights dancing the night away and closing the dance club together. T and I have always just shared a special bond.
  • Two really cool guys from NY whom I have become close to over the years. I was disappointed to hear that JN wasn't returning, but was told that A would be there. I was kinda disappointed when I arrived last Sunday and he wasn't there, but was simply elated he arrived mid-week.
  • I met A from California on my first night there near the bonfire and we instantly became friends. He called me his "chocolaton", which I found very endearing. A just had a radiant personality such that you just couldn't help being drawn into him. He fit it quite well.
  • I remember spending time speaking with R from Boston. It was his first year so I asked him what he thought of the place so far. I already knew the answer because he had an ear-to-ear grin that he just couldn't erase from his face for days. Nonetheless, his answer blew me away as he struggled for words to describe the experience for him.
Of course there were many, MANY others. Then there were the daily, themed cocktail parties, the dancing, the costumes and the shows. As for sex... of course there was plenty of that too. Not in common places as that is against the rules, but there are more than enough places to go for those who desire to do so. Then of course there was the annual 100-man J/O session.

I definitely want to post more photos, but I just returned and am trying to rest as well as I can before flying out to Burning Man in the morning.


Immanuel said...

I really need to go to one of these events. They sound like fun! Is there a Web site with more information?

Jose Naked said...

wow, I need to go too. 100 man j/o session. Sounds like heaven to me. I gotta go, so send me some info when you get rested.

Old time nudist.

Roger Poladopoulos said...

Isn't it cool...we always meet the best people when naked! Glad you enjoyed yourself!

nudeindc said...

It'd definitely a lot of fun and something I would definitely recommend to anyone who thinks they might even be remotely interested. You can find information about the 2011 Gathering at