Thursday, June 10, 2010

Interracial Trends

I love interracial couples whether they are straight or gay and I'm not even exactly sure why. Perhaps it's because I am in such a relationship or perhaps because I tend to find all races beautiful. Or maybe it's because it is a symbol of acceptance and the world as I would like to see it.

Anyway, I came across this report by the Pew Research Center that reports that almost 15% of all new marriages are between people of different races or ethnicities. There's also a pretty cool interactive graph here that really highlights interracial marriages by geographic region here.

Take away... If you're looking for a mixed race marriage, move to Cali.


Unknown said...

I like to see mixed race cuoples too.

I was raised catholic and went to catholic schools. All my friends from school were mainl white or hispanic. Even though my parents are a product the segregated south they never tried to instill any racist ideals in us.

I say mix it all up and no one can discriminate.

Unknown said...

I like to see mixed race cuoples too.

I was raised catholic and went to catholic schools. All my friends from school were mainl white or hispanic. Even though my parents are a product the segregated south they never tried to instill any racist ideals in us.

I say mix it all up and no one can discriminate.