Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I've often stated that the two things that continue to drive technology are games and porn. Porn is so prevalent in gay culture that you can find it playing openly in many gay bars. Although it's certainly less open, I've often wondered how prevalent it has become in the straight world given the rise of the Internet. This infographic helps answer those questions. Unfortunately, it is possible to have such a graphic without asking "what is porn?" Given that one of the search engine results that they qualify as porn is "gay dating", I'm kind of taking these statistics with a grain of salt. Besides if it had any real scientific they would have published their methods. I know... I can be such a geek.

The Stats on Internet Pornography
Via: Online MBA

1 comment:

Roger Poladopoulos said...

Interesting graphic. However, they failed to include me in their statistics! LOL!