Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Alternate Realities

I have no idea what's going on. Either Obama has become completely unglued or Pat Robertson has come completely off the rails because something in the universe just ain't right.

Recall that I come from a fundamentalist background. I went to Jerry Falwell's school so I you'll understand that I am completely perplexed that Robertson states:
  • Wants the TARP money used to help consumers/homeowners.
  • Calls Bush's handling of several matters including Iraq, Katrina and the economy "terrible" and "unprofessional".
  • Says Obama "has the makings of a great president" (qualified by if he continues down his current, middle of the road course).

Now I'll admit that I have been doing some mind-blowing, geeky reading on Quantum Physics and String Theory recently so it is completely possible that I've just been sucked into an alternate universe.

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