Friday, December 19, 2008


There's nothing I hate more than an asshole. Not the literal kind of course. I can handle people's oddities. I can deal with weirdos. I can sit down with the down-and-out, but I just can't take assholes. For my purposes, an asshole is defined as someone that needlessly, purposely or recklessly causes harm to another. I hate people that mistreat others or talks bad about others.

I say all this because I came across this article today that gives the latest on a former, local judge that definitely deserves to be in the running of the asshole of the year award. This judge sued a local dry cleaners for $54 million because he claims that they lost his pants. The dry cleaner had his pants, but even if they weren't his as he claimed, the cleaner's offer to replace them was declined so that the judge could start a dumbest of all law suites.

Here we are 3 years later and the judge (who subsequently last his job as a judge) is appealing yet again and threatening to go to the Supreme Court. The owners cleaners have had to close 2 stores and lost most of their savings just defending themselves.

Now I'm always one to understand that there are always 2 sides to every story. So event 'til today I continue to read the story, searching for some unseen insight that motivates the asshole. I haven't found anything other than... that he's an asshole. Somewhat in his defense, I'm wouldn't be surprised if the dry cleaners mistreated him when he made his initial complaint, but do you decide that this has gone too far? When do you stop wasting my hard-earned taxes to continue this charade?

Post Script: The man pictured in the picture is poor schmo that just happened to be standing when the photo was snapped and not the referenced asshole.

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