Friday, May 7, 2010

Collateral Damage

I found this video a couple of days ago and it still sickens me. Police officers break in the door of a Missouri family, shoot the dog, yells at the family as if criminals. All of this is done in front of their 7 year old son. As you watch, try imagining yourself in the position of the dad, mom and even the kid. They'll remember this for the rest of their lives and may even have nightmares for quite a while. They'll never like or even trust the police again.

And why? Because they had so little marijuana that they couldn't even be charged with anything above a misdemeanor. Remember that marijuana is less addictive and less toxic than either cigarettes or alcohol. No one ever ODs on marijuana like they do with alcohol, yet this family has had their lives irreparably damaged because of what took place between two consenting adults.

DISCLAIMER: I don't even smoke the stuff, I just think it's ridiculous!

1 comment:

Roger Poladopoulos said...

And I couldn't agree with you more. With actions like this, law enforcement becomes unlawful harassment.