Thursday, May 7, 2009


I hate routing for Republicans, but believe that human nature spells certain doom for a one-party system. So we need them to do their job and offer a real alternative so that we can vote against them.
I just ran across this article from Time that speaks to the multitude of woes of the Republican party all of which could be talked about at length. However, my thoughts today are focused the statements made by Joe the Plumber.
According to the article, Joe says that he is so outraged by GOP spending that he is quiting the party. I think this would have been perfectly reasonable... ONE OR TWO YEARS AGO WHEN THEY WERE IN POWER! Why has he suddenly gotten religion on this topic?
Well, I'll interpret this in the context of his other off-the-wall statements and appearances such as his "news" reporting from Israel and not allowing gays around his children.
Is there any question why the GOP is dying when Joe and Sarah become their chief spokespeople?

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