Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mystery Solved

Over the past month or so I've been having trouble sleeping. Normally, I can put my head down and be out within a few minutes, but these months even when I managed to get to sleep I haven't been able to sleep a full night without repeatedly awaking throughout the night.

Well my recent trip to Vegas has helped me solve the mystery. While there I had no trouble sleeping at all. The first night back in my own bed was even better. It was the best sleep I had had for quite a while. All this helped me develop a theory… Could it be the coffee? Now I know this seems like a no-brainer, but keep in mind that I've always drank significant amounts of coffee so I hadn't suspected this as a likely cause.

My experiment began the next day. I went to work and drank my normal 3 mega-cups of coffee. I'm guessing that this equates to roughly 6 to 8 normal cups (see mega-cup below).

Well, that first night after being back to my normal coffee routine landed me back to my normal restless nights. The solution… I've bought some instant decaf (I know, yuck!). I now allow myself 2 mega-cups of half-regular/half-decaf so long as it is before 2pm. If I want a 3rd another cup I've restricted myself to a cup of full-decaf.

Since the change, I've been sleeping much better.

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