Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Folsom Street Fair

Well, after doing Bay-to-Breakers nude, I've now set my sites on the Folsom Street Fair coming up on September 28th in San Francisco. It seems all of the crazy things to do are in SF or Europe. Anyway, I never even knew anything about it until recently when random people looking at my pics on the Internet turned me on to it. Anyway sounds like something fun to do even with clothes on, but of course that's not my intention. I've even co-opted a friend of mine this time to participate in it with me. So far I've at least secured a room at the Best Western, which is supposedly right within the fair zone. The idea would be to just leave the hotel nude and never even be bothered with clothes at all. I'd love to hear from anyone that has been there before and has recommendations or advice to help me to make the most out of my time.

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