Tuesday, June 3, 2008

World Naked Bike Ride Final Update

Well its official. We will not get permission to do it nude. I think the whole approach to the nude thing was flawed from the beginning. After dealing with governmental employes for many years, I can tell you that they always make decisions in the most risk-adverse way possible. The could never get fired or disciplined for saying no right?

A better way to handle this would've been to just go nude. Seek forgiveness rather than permission. Isn't that what a protest is all about? I would've done it. I haven't said this to anyone within the group because in all fairness they put a lot of work into it and the last thing I'd want to do is to disparage or discourage anyone. Besides, although I personally believe in this approach, it does require a lot of front-runners. I would've likely participated anyway since I purchased my banana peelz (see picture on right) specifically for this purpose, but I have another obligation pulling for my time that day anyway. I even ordered the brown one so that it would best blend with my natural skin color. Oh well.


Queers United said...

its called world naked and they wont let u go nude?

nudeindc said...

Well technically, it's a "bare as you dare" policy. I would've gone nude at-risk if i knew that there were a group of others that would have done the same. Anyway, I found out that an acquaintance of mine was going so I'll have to ask him how it turned out.

George said...

I rode in the DC ride wearing a banana peelz nude, closest to my skin color. We were advised not to dare to be bare, but I would have certainly done it if anyone else had. You're right, we should make it a real protest and take some chances. I'd like to try to organize a bare protest group for next year. (Roger Paul, the organizer thinks that DC will never relax in the way that lots of other more enlightened cities around the world have.)

nudeindc said...

Honestly I feel a little guilty about this post because by not participating I feel I forfeited the right to complain. It's easy to comment from the safety of my couch. I will say that reading the WNBR-DC message board makes me pretty sure that there were others of like mind that would've done it nude as long as they were not the only one.