Monday, June 23, 2008

Fleeting Moments

I love meeting and interacting socially with people. I've often been surprised by how sometimes the briefest and most insignificant meeting can become so... intimate. I'm not even talking about sex or even necessarily touching. But throughout my life there have been times when the rushing road of life have paused ever so briefly and given me a special moment that I've treasured ever since.

For example, I recall when I was just 12 years old in my grandmother's apartment building on Nagel avenue in Manhattan, where I met another boy my age. I remember how we stole a can of disgusting, store-bought frosting from his house and hid within the boiler room of the building while we ate it with our fingers. Later during my college years, I recall riding behind my best friend Matt as he sped us across Mississippi fields on his 4 wheeler/ATV. I remember wrapping my arms around his wait and burying my head into the back of his neck to protect myself from the wind.

Well this weekend I had one of these moments. Well... perhaps not quite that intense, but you get the idea. The BF and I went to the bi-monthly, naked, cocktail party where, by the way, I had a blast (figuratively that is). Anyway, after the party the bar opens to the public and several of the party attendees typically hang around and have a drinks together afterwards. Well, after standing around and talking to a few people, a guy came up behind me and hugged me. Now this is an absolutely gorgeous guy that I had seen several times before, but only recently had met at a previous party where he sucked me in broad daylight. He held me from behind for a long time, wrapping his arms around to my front as he softly caressed me, whispering into my ear the whole time. Now if you were to ask me what made this moment special, I'd be at a loss of words to explain how this moment differed from any one of a million, everyday moments. But somehow it was different and shall be something that I will remember for a long time to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think your moment in the bar needs any explanation at all as to why it was special. Just reading your description of it sounds so romantic, intimate, and erotic.