Thursday, June 4, 2009


I haven't posted in a while and wanted to give an update.

The BF and I attended our first IML over Memorial Day Weekend. Just a week before we left, a Latino friend found tickets and decided to come along. Since he was on a different flight, he got there and left earlier than we did. I loved the event. Since the event takes over the whole hotel, everyone is free to (un)dress and walk around freely. I definitely enjoyed going through my leather outfits as well as combining ridiculously exposing outfits with leather accessories. I was mostly a good boy this weekend. But I guess that's a very relative term. The Latino friend and I visited Steamworks on Sunday night, which was packed. All I'll say is that place was crazy packed and even crazier fun.

1 comment:

DN said...

Where are the pics of the exposing outfits?