Saturday, December 26, 2009


When I first saw the preview for this movie, I flagged it as a move to definitely avoid. The whole premise seemed to me like a kid playing a video game and wishing it were all real. It was only after hearing so many good things about the movie over the past few weeks from critics and viewers alike that I decided that I had to see it. Well tonight was the night.

I bought my tickets online and on the confirmation page I noticed the unusually high price. So I went back to figure out why. It turns out there the movie is in 3D. The BF said that his eyes have problems with 3D so we tried to find a regular showing, but none would fit into our timeframe. In the end we went to the 3D showing.

WOW!!! I'm so glad we say the 3D version! I tend to be very critical of stupid movies, which is why I thought I wouldn't like this one, but there was nothing stupid about it. The acting was good, the plot was interesting and visuals were fantastic.

On the technology front (only because I'm a geek), I can't believe how much better 3D movies have gotten since I've last seen one. This was the first 3D movie I've ever seen where the 3D was not either a gimmick or a distraction, but rather fit naturally and seamlessly into the move. The other thing that amazed me was the special effects. I have no idea how the graphically created the natives, but man was it impressive and completely believable.

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