Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Feeling Better

So I've been kind of down on how the healthcare debate has been going and what it says about our country and our political system's ability to get anything done. I wrote about it a little bit here. I began to wonder if the healthcare bill as passed by the Senate was even worth it or whether we should scap it and fight for something better. Well, now that passage seems imminent, I realized that I over-reacted and now feel much better. There's a lot in this bill that will help us as a nation.

I'll be honest though. I think that this bill may cause some problems. The problems will arise when people are forced to purchase health insurance out of their own pockets if the cost of healthcare is not affordable. One of three things I could see happening at that point:
  1. Congress makes further changes to the system and implement the public option or something similar,
  2. Congress takes away the requirement that everyone must have health insurance or be fined, or
  3. Nothing happens, people suffer, and people blame the Democrats and elect Republicans.
Obviously I'm hoping for number 1.

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