Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tennis Catostrophy

Today was my last tennis match with CTA, the gay tennis association of the Washington, DC area. This has been my first year playing with CTA and I chose to participate in one of their singles, winter leagues. Until today, I have done quite well by winning most of my matches and tieing the rest.

Today was a completely different story. I had the misfortune to draw the leagues best player. I'm not sure if this is true, but I heard that he hasn't lost this year. Well, needless to say, it didn't go very well as I was handed my first loss quite handily. So now I am home licking my wounds. Actually, this is overstating it since losing only bothers me as long as I play and is quickly forgotten once the game ends.

My biggest disappointment is that I actually didn't even play very well. I resorted back to a bad tendency that I sometimes have to roll over the ball too much instead of hitting through it. As a result, although I was consistent, I provided my top-rated appointment many wonderful short balls for him to take advantage of.

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