Thursday, July 24, 2008

Folsom Update

This weekend is Dore Alley and oh how I wish I was going. But you know how it is, you can't do everything. Maybe next year though.

We're still on Folsom Street Fair though. It's happening on the 28th of September and I can't wait. I remember when I invited my friend to go with us I titled the email "How big are your balls?" They must be HUGE 'cause he didn't even hesitate. It should be a fun weekend since there's a lot of special events happening in town around the actual fair itself. Now the only thing to see is whether I have big balls too such that I can parade around the entire 6 block, people packed area wearing nothing but my shoes and leather wristbands. On the bright side, I probably won't have to check a bag on the airline.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your balls are big enough, Vince. Just remember to add your camera to your shoes and leather wristbands!

nudeindc said...

Thanks Thom, I'm definitely taking the camera!

blackscorpion said...

want some company next year for Dore or folsom; let me know.