Thursday, July 24, 2008

Questioning Nudity

By the title of this post, you may think that I'm asking if nudity is health and good or bad and damaging. Or you might wonder if I'm referring to what are the relative benefits of going letting it all hang out. Well you'd be wrong. Although I've discussed some of these topics previously in a series of posts named Why Nude, that is not my intent today.
Today I want ask a question that I've been discussing with the BF. As I've said many times before, I am often struck by the openness, niceness and acceptance that comes from nudists. But I wonder... is this because nudity disarms people making them nicer than they might be in other circumstances? Or is it because nudity inherently attracts nicer people who already have a deep desire to be in the presence of others in such a disarming and intimate setting? Would taking a really mean person and putting them into a voluntarily nude setting soften them up ever so slightly?

I really don't know, but I suspect it might be a little of both. I guess I ask this question because the scientist within does care. It also likely has macro-social impacts on our society as a whole. But aside from that, I'm not sure it matters to me personally much at all. I love nudism/naturism because it is so wonderfully open, accepting and intimate and am grateful that I've had the opportunity to experience it.

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