Thursday, July 31, 2008

Going ons

Well, the week has been relatively slow, but that's all good. I haven't been able to play my usual 4x to 5x per week of tennis because of a pain in my shoulder. Damn it! I figured I'd take a week off any see how it feels on Monday. At least I can still go to the gym, so I'm not complaining (too much).

The BF and I are preparing for our second naked, nude gathering at a country home in a three week period. You can read about the first here. The last one was incredible so there's no way I would miss this one. I'm driving and so far have a total of 7 people in my car (which only fits 5) including the myself and the BF. Don't ask, it just happened. Anyway, I think I convinced one of the others to drive so it's all good. I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Last time we were too busy having fun (the clean kind) and forgot to take any pictures which was a bummer, so this time I'm going to wear a string around my finger to ensure that doesn't happen again.

So as a minor dare, I dared the BF to go to the Eagle wearing just a jock strap. Surprisingly he said yes, so we picked this Friday to do it. We'll see if he and/or really have the balls to do it. I figured Friday is a good day since there aren't too many people there like there is on Saturdays.

After waiting so long, and several false starts, we've finally decided on a date for our first visit to Sandy Hook. I have a friend that's not that big on mid-Atlantic beaches and I think he inadvertently talked me out of my first trip through no fault of his own. After re-reading comments of others on the web that go there, I decided that I just had to go, so now it's a plan.

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