Monday, July 21, 2008

Nudity At Its Best

So this weekend was the first of two naked gatherings that I'm attending this summer. Essentially a local group coordinates these events amongst other activities throughout the year. These gatherings are held at vacation homes in the country of members of the group that are nice enough to allow 60 naked boys to take over.

This was the first one I've ever attended and frankly I would have to describe it as idyllic. I'll try to paint a picture, but I'm sure I won't do it justice. It was just so freeing to be surrounded by nature, hot weather, a cool pool and beautiful, friendly naked boys. I love how I'll sometimes start talking to someone that I didn't know beforehand and discover an interesting and beautiful person inside.

It's funny, but I remember when I was younger, perhaps in my late teens, thinking about how much we humans crave and need to be connected with each others and yet how we live our lives in relative isolation. I remember thinking that if we just didn't have so many hang ups, and if we were able to become more accepting of and openly loving toward each other, how we'd all be so much happier. I remember thinking how this would never happen because it was unfortunately contrary to our human nature. There was so much potential for happiness that is being wasted by our own insecurities and mistrust.

It's like when you go to a bar. So two random guys are sitting separately nursing their drinks when all they really want is to meet someone new and share a moment. But of course the barriers are too great. What if you get rejected? What if they think you just looking for sex? What if you are looking for sex and they're not? And because of this, we choose to continue to sit in isolation more often than not.

I'm not saying these naked evens are perfect, but they're closer to that open, warm, accepting environment that I never thought could exist outside of family and close friends. Sex aside, this is why I love nudism. I love that it makes us all better people. It provides one with a sense of belonging, or better yet... a liberation so complete that need to belong goes away and you're free to just.... be.


creating my life said...

you have said it very beautifully. My sentiments exactly.

blackscorpion said...

Oh man- I loved reading this. Insightful !