Thursday, March 20, 2008

Friendliness and Acceptance

This post is part of my Why I Like to Be Nude series. In my brief couple of months discovering my penchant for nudity, I've read countless of accounts by others of the benefits of social nudity. The Why I Like to Be Nude series is my attempt to discover and document my own reasons.

As you may have read in a previous post, I have frequently attended a weekly underwear party hosted by the Green Lantern in Washington, DC. I have noticed that those in their underwear were much more accepting of others and more apt to talk to people that they didn't know. Interestingly, even clothed people that ordinarily wouldn't say boo to you, would strike up a discussion if you were in your undies. I can't completely explain it, but the removal of textile barriers somehow seems to correspond to the removal of social barriers.

When I began socializing nude, I noticed that this maxim held true to even a larger extent. Every time I go to a nude event, I am amazed at how social it is. I always seem to meet a lot of very nice people that I previously had not known. Some of these are people that I know that I would likely never meet had we have had our clothes on. I believe that I have met more people in nude events in the past month than I typically would have at non-nude events over a period of 6 months.

1 comment:

alifenotsoblackandgay said...

I never noticed that about Green Latern, but it's true. I find "underwear" Saturdays a lot more laid back than "shirtless" Thursday. At first i thought it was the age of the crowd, that Saturdays tend to be a lot older. Yet, i enjoy walking around in my underwear because i find a certain acceptance in my body and dick.