Wednesday, March 19, 2008

World Naked Bike Ride (Update)

Per my previous post, you may know that I am considering participating in the World Naked Bike Ride (local dc website).

DC, being the strange place that it is, has 3 different jurisdictions that have to be coordinated with to put on an event like this: dc government, national park police and dc police. Last year, the ride was approved and the park police said it would be ok to ride naked, but no answer was given by the dc police. The DC police escorted the ride and didn't do anything to the 1 rider that was completely naked (others wore a thong or a penis pouch). I've heard that the 1 completely naked guy did cover up when the stopped in front of the White House for pictures.

I'm thinking that if I do this, I'd really want to do it completely nude, even though I've had a look at the route and it is a little scary. I'm really hoping that they get a sufficient go ahead. Otherwise, maybe I'll try to go to Chicago for their WNBR.

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