Friday, May 30, 2008

FLDS Update

Well, I'll return to my original idea about the FLDS debacle. That is, the premise that you cannot remove the children from all of those homes because we think that their religion makes no sense or is a cult. We must prove imminent harm to each, single child before placing that child in temporary state custody.

Well today the Texas Supreme Court has upheld a recent ruling by an appellate court basically stating the same thing. As a result, at least some of the kids will be returned to their respective homes. The ruling will likely be applied to many of the other kids as well.

Now don't get me wrong. I hope that the Texas CPS continues their investigations and oversight to ensure the welfare of these children. More than likely, some of these kids should be removed from their parents home. This will be particularly true for post-pubescent, female children, particularly those for which there is specific evidence of abuse. The state far over-reached on this one and needed to be reigned in.

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