Thursday, May 1, 2008

Proof Reading Sucks

I hate to proof read. I've come to realize that my mind works differently when I write than when I read. When I write, the thoughts originate within my head, so I think verbally or as I would speak. When I read, thoughts originate from the written text.

As a consequence, sometimes when re-reading older blog entries, I notice atrocious and embarrassing errors. This encourages me to proof read for a short period of time, but invariably I soon get lazy again. Somehow, once I get the thought down on the proverbial paper, checking for grammar seems superfluous.

I write this because just yesterday I read I how aspired to be "excepting" of others. ARGH!!! Of course the irony is that if you read that comment literally it would mean just the opposite of what I had intended to say. Oh well, I guess I'll have to proof read for the next week.

[Note: I did proof read this post and corrected 7 errors. It scares me to think what's in my previous posts.]

Update 5/10: I just happened to browse by this post and found yet another error. DAMN!

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